Everybody has a story, and so do I. Ever since I edited a video for my school, I fell in love with video editing, multimedia designing, freelancing and building businesses. I kept practicing, honing new skills, did free work, gained experience and slowly but surely I built a portfolio.
I've worked on multiple businesses and side projects. My most recent project is TubeForge which is a video and content production agency. We help creators focus on telling stories and making content while we help in delivering the stories and selling the content. I'm also working on PitchPerfect which is an AI powered pitch and resume generator built to help job seekers and agencies find more clients.
I'm always looking to build, create and network with other people, so if you're someone who'd like to work with me, feel free to get in touch. I believe I'm fairly all rounded and I love helping other people, so even if you just wanna talk, I'm here.
I'm really pationate about the work I do and one of my best features which defines why you should hire me is that I have a speciality in every field. For example, I love hyper pacing in video editing, brand identity in graphic designing and UI/UX designing and maintaining brand consistency and loyalty in project management and content production.
Alright enough about me, allow me to help you. Scroll down and subscribe to the best newsletter (aka my newsletter) for the best tips and tricks, job opportunities and resources completely free of charge. I promise I won't spam you with nonsense.